Herein lies Córilìce

The stories, the people, the history, the wonder

Sunday, March 1, 2009

News & Updates #22-26

Well, it's been like forever since I've updated. I haven't had the time ad we haven't done many sessions. However, the crew managed to deal with the massive beasties in the sea and then Draven returned, taking most of the Flàré back to the mainland i search of more clues as to what the hell is going on. Draven and Caliban left for the arena and Locke, Einkil and Loban have decided to travel round looking for their missing links. This took five sessions. Updates are as follows:

The usual ones:
The sayings/riddles...

The particulars:
Our strengths and weaknesses...
Specifically, Lsòla, Dàé, Ynèré, Lóèg, Frònéi and Clèsi...
Those Key things...
Them Màdj things

Also, when I ave the time, I'll try to update the page detailing the places of Héli, as tat is too big a job for now. I'm going to end up finding time also to sprite a few of the items and whatnot as well. This may take some time also.

Enjoy wandering!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...