A Map of Héli:

Map Key:
A: The Town of Dàlmahs B: City of Àéthélle
C: Bhújèr Town D: Port Bélàhm
E: Bésàh Village F: The Port Town of Nàhstre
G: Lkíhlà City H: The Forest City of Ràbahna
I: Port Zàhkár J: Úhsélìk Town
K: City of Brasukhá L: Mégáhre Port
M: Zàhkár Dunes N: Ràbahna River
O: Lkíhlà River P: The Nàhstrewood
Q: The Ràbahnawood R: Lake Rúhstre
S: Lake Àéthélle T: Àéthélle Ranges
U: Lkíhlà Sands V: Gihàz Plains
W: Rihàz Expanse X: Jihàz Stretch
Y: Bhújèr Cove Z: Zàhkár Bay
AA: Isle of Gèin AB: Isle of Hièt
AC: Ràfé Island AD: Isle of Dná
AE: Bélàhm Peninsula AF: Bhújèr River

Map Key:
A: The Town of Dàlmahs B: City of Àéthélle
C: Bhújèr Town D: Port Bélàhm
E: Bésàh Village F: The Port Town of Nàhstre
G: Lkíhlà City H: The Forest City of Ràbahna
I: Port Zàhkár J: Úhsélìk Town
K: City of Brasukhá L: Mégáhre Port
M: Zàhkár Dunes N: Ràbahna River
O: Lkíhlà River P: The Nàhstrewood
Q: The Ràbahnawood R: Lake Rúhstre
S: Lake Àéthélle T: Àéthélle Ranges
U: Lkíhlà Sands V: Gihàz Plains
W: Rihàz Expanse X: Jihàz Stretch
Y: Bhújèr Cove Z: Zàhkár Bay
AA: Isle of Gèin AB: Isle of Hièt
AC: Ràfé Island AD: Isle of Dná
AE: Bélàhm Peninsula AF: Bhújèr River
Below, I will add detailed information related to the villages, towns, cities, and ports of Héli, as well as pertinent information about the other named areas that we come across in game.
Àéthélle Ranges:
Hidden just off the side of the path to the City of Àéthélle, you can find the Clan of Frònéi as well as the Roost of Griffins that they take care of.
Bélàhm Peninsula:
Nothing is known yet.
Bésàh Village:
An important place to those touched by Dàé. Found to the north of The Town of Dàlmahs, on the Isle of Géin. This place is extremely small, with only 5 place of residence, not including Bésàh House, which is where the Consul of Bésàh lives. The place is more of a stop-off point for bigger and better places. The village contains a few places of interest: the Inn of the Indigo Monkey, the Purple Marble Tavern, The Brain Clocktower, two farms for livestock and fruit, a Marketplace, a Slaughterhouse, a Stables, a Leatherworks, a Bowyer, a Fortune-Teller, Glassblower and a Herbalist.
Bhújèr Cove:
Nothing is known yet.
Bhújèr River:
Nothing is known yet.
Bhújèr Town:
Home to the finest armourer in all of Héli, this town can be found to the north of The Town of Dàlmahs. It is a small town, the longest distance being small enough for one to walk it about 5 times a day. This town doesn't pride itself in much, other than that it is the gateway to the City of Àéthélle, and that it has a famous armourer, Boròg. The only thing that get's this town going each year is the Winter Festival. It happens every winter of course, but not much else is known about it. The town is built around a part of the Bhújèr River, and only has one notable building, Bhújèr House, the place of residence of the Mayor. Mostly made of dirt track and grassland, Bhújèr has a homely feel to it, like a relaxed country town. The other places within it are: The Inn of the Emerald Dragon, Zephyr Inn, Kingfisher Bar, Jade Thrush Tavern, the Temple of Ehlonna, The Breeze Clocktower, a Teahouse, a Bakery, a Slaughterhouse, a Potters, a Stables, a Leatherworks, an Armourer, a Miner, a Carpenter, a Herbalist, a Watertower, a Watermill and an Astrologer. Just outside, one can find three types of farms (Cane, Livestock and Fruit) and Windmill of course.
The City of Àéthélle:
This city can only be accessed through Bhújèr Town. It is the place of residence of King Rayna.
City of Brasukhá:
Nothing is known yet.
The Forest City of Ràbahna:
Known to some as 'Bridge City', this city is a minimum of 2 kilometres above the ground. All of the homes are inside hollowed out trees - the Ràbahnatrees in the city are so large that the spaces inside them are more than habitable. The city is divided into four main areas, each linked by rope bridges to a central area called the Pewter Plaza. The shops can be found in the southern quarter, the Silverwood Library is to the north, the inns and taverns are to the east, and the residences, the slums (otherwise known as The Spoils), and the Tree of Healing are to the west. The city is said to have been built in honour of Lsòla herself. People of prominence include the famous glassblower Gíndlàé, the famous Weaver Féinà, a disorganised blacksmith by the name of Úlnà who had a pet spider called Shílà, an old alchemist, a tiny weaver, and a forester who lives below his childhood rival. The places of interest include the Pewter Belltower, The Inn of the Silver Serpent which belongs to a drunken barkeep, The Shiny Sword Inn, The Pewter Lodge which contains a room that can only be opened by those of the Clan of Lsòla, the Steel Bar, the Gleaming Iron Tavern, and the Lead Pub. The local trades are: a Potters, a Blacksmith, a Carpenter, a Forester, an Alchemist, & a Glassblower. Some of the yet unvisited places inlcude Fort Ràbahna, Moradin Mosque, and The Queen Playhouse.
Gihàz Plains:
Nothing is known yet.
Isle of Dná:
Nothing is known yet.
Isle of Gèin:
Nothing is known yet.
Isle of Hièt:
Nothing is known yet.
Jihàz Stretch:
The plain between the Forest City of Ràbahna and Mégáhre Port, south of Ràbahna River. This stretch is home to a couple of species of dog as well as an extensive network of rabbit warrens.
Lake Àéthélle:
Nothing is known yet.
Lake Rúhstre:
This lake is just west of the Ràbahnawood.
Lkíhlà City:
Found to the north of the Town of Dàlmahs, situated in the middle of the Lkíhlà Sands, hides what ha to be the most bizarre sight - a four tiered metropolis. It's inhabitants and shape have given it two nicknames over time: Giant City and Circle Castle. The Giants aren't the only people who live in this desert city, but they are by far the most prevalent. Even though the City is situated in the middle of a desert, it manages to thrive so well due to the fact that it's sitting on a seemingly never-ending spring. Inside the walls which are, at best, five times higher than a human, It looks like an oasis with plants flowing down the sandy walls and water flowing on the top of the four circular walls. The City has four tiers. The outer tier is called The Slime, the lower tier is where most of the vendors are, the higher tier is where the higher class people live, and the inner tier is where the Marquis lives, otherwise known as Fort Lkíhlà. No-one really calls him by his title though, most people call him 'the Boss'. The places of interest are the Lkíhlà Teahouse, owned by Làki, only the most famous infusionist in the land. The central Plaza is known as the Azure Plaza, and is found in the higher tier and houses both the Azure Fountain and the Azure Belltower. There are places of interest in the outer tier, these include Tortoise Bar, The Jellyfish Pub, the Cobalt Cracker Tavern, the Blacksmith, the Miner and the Carpenter. Otherwise, all the other places are found in the lower tier. These include: Ocean Inn, the Inn of the Prussian Peacock, the Marketplace, the Teahouse, the Slaughterhouse, the Potter, the Weaver, the Alchemist and the Astrologer. There are a few thing that can be found in the higher tier, these include the Robin's Egg Lodge, a Watertower and a Watermill.
Lkíhlà River:
Nothing is known yet.
Lkíhlà Sands:
This is the name given to the desert surrounding Lkíhlà City. It has some weird inhabitants, the main two at the moment being a family of desert-worm that is 20ft in diameter. These ant-lion worms are rather fast and have the unfortunate trait of being attached to Lsòla for some reason. The other species to mention is a humanoid, black-skinned firebreathing creature that has fire sprouting from its head, wrists and ankles - not something to mess around with. Draven once visited this area late in the night.
The Nàhstrewood:
The woods on the northern side of the continent. A place one might travel to meet with the Clan of Nàrrice.
Mégáhre Port:
The most eastern port of Héli. A place one might travel to visit the Clan of Dàé, hiding as the local farmers of the Àrékàs Farms. The Port itself is split into two halves (almost evenly). To the south of the gate guarded by 8 guards, exists the slums, known as The Bleaks, and the poorer residential areas. To the north of the gate exists the higher-class areas and the more lavish housing. This Port is home to the most famous Bowyer in the whole of Héli. He goes by the name of Rihl, and has an interesting past. Here one can also find the local tradesman of note (Potter, Weaver, Stables, Slaughterhouse, Leatherworks, Armourer, Fortune-Teller, Guildhouse, & a Barrister). Other places of note include the Teahouse, the Crown Theatre, owned by Rúkarth, a member of the local Council, the House of Erythnul, and Fort Mégáhre. The Docks can be accessed from either part of the Port, but the northern side has a bridge over the houses, the southern side just alleyway access. The city is said to have been built for the purpose of Úshk and his followers to carve, slice and kill or torture - all for the reaper's tuck. There are also many places to eat, drink and stay the night: The Black Cat Inn, Inn of the Ebony Lynx, Coal Lodge (for those with a ton of cash), Dusk Bar, The Alley Cat Tavern (the place of dealing for Íla, another Council member), and The Inky Pub. The most interesting thing to note is that the Bleaks seem to be controlled by the goblins. And, the rest of the races are more often than not seen in the higher-class areas. Also, there seems to be a large number of the population that enjoys the theatres - they can be found there almost every night.
Port Bélàhm:
This Port is the cleanest and safest places within the whole of Héli. The reason for this was the creation of he Bélàhm Guard. Handsomely paid, these people are always found roaming the Port. This Port has a couple of interesting attractions including a Museum. Nothing much is known about the people, and the gates all seem to be motor powered. Most of the buildings here are not made of grass or straw, but in fact of a type of salt-resistant metal which gives the Port an unnatural shine. The places of interest here include: The Flicker Lodge, the Inn of the Tawny Rabbit, Static Bar, the Lemon Grass Pub, Boccob Church, and Ficker Piazza where you find the Flicker Belltower and the Flicker Fountain. The local traders are: Slaughterer, Baker, Fruit Farmer, Meat Farmer, Weaver, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Fortune-Teller, Alchemist, Dockmaster, Fisher, and Trader. The most interesting area of this tow is its Docks. They are full of people every day, trading and buying ships, mooring or leaving Port - this is the second largest Port in the whole of Héli.
The Port Town of Nàhstre:
The capital city of Héli, and the largest metropolis on the map.
Port Zàhkár:
North of the Ràbahna River and Mégáhre Port, a little more inland than usual for a port.
Ràbahna River:
The river that flows east from Lake Rúhstre. It travels through the Forest City of Ràbahna, and ends up in the sea between Port Zàhkár and Mégáhre Port.
The Ràbahnawood:
Home to a flock of birds which have an unusual green colouring to their tail-feathers. Also home to the Tree of Healing of which the Clan of Éru are custodians. It was here that we met the healer, Árànúré. The trees here are all Ràbahnatrees. There is a clearing on the eastern edge where Àléna received Díasmí during a ritual of the Clan of Éru. The undergrowth is very dense in places, but the trees have no low-hanging branches.
Ràfé Island:
Nothing is known yet.
Rihàz Expanse:The plain north of Ràbahna River, between the Ràbahnawood and Port Zàhkár. It is here that one might be able to run into the Clan of Ynèré on the off chance they are in the same area as you, since they are known as the most nomadic Clan, but have curiously not been seen too often.
The Town of Dàlmahs:
Said to be the birthplace of all people, it is the town that is home to the Lànúke Market - the only place that a Market is held on Héli due to the neutrality of the place. This was the first place we came to after having fallen on the nearby plains, where we first met Réinyn, who explained that people come here primarily to worship Gé. Places of interest include the Fortune Teller, the Stables, Dàlmahs Manor (which had a locked gate), The Shine Inn, The Inn of the Lucky Spirit, The Soul Clocktower, and The Golden Butterfly Tavern.
Úhsélìk Town:
Nothing is known yet.
Zàhkár Bay:
The name given to the waterways north of Port Zàhkár.
Zàhkár Dunes:
The beaches to the north of Port Zàhkár.
More to come soon...
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