The usual ones:
The sayings/riddles...
The particulars:
Our strengths and weaknesses...
Specifically, Lsòla, Dàé, Ynèré, Lóèg, Frònéi and Clèsi...
Those Key things...
Them Màdj things
The sayings/riddles...
The particulars:
Our strengths and weaknesses...
Specifically, Lsòla, Dàé, Ynèré, Lóèg, Frònéi and Clèsi...
Those Key things...
Them Màdj things
Also, when I ave the time, I'll try to update the page detailing the places of Héli, as tat is too big a job for now. I'm going to end up finding time also to sprite a few of the items and whatnot as well. This may take some time also.
Enjoy wandering!
There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...