Herein lies Córilìce

The stories, the people, the history, the wonder

Thursday, December 4, 2008

News & Updates #21

After another four days of travel on the sea, we land on the shore a very small island, the Isle of Géin. This island has one little village on it, called Bésàh Village. They party stays the night and we learn some really interesting things... Updates are as follows

The usual ones:
Them people with names...
The sayings/riddles...

The particulars:
Those weird new sigil forms...
Our strengths and weaknesses...
Specifically, Lsòla and Dàé...
Those Key things...
Those details about the places we visit...
Them drawbacks of our abilities...
Them Flares we use...

Enjoy wondering!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What in the Crest is This?!

So , we have now found some weird items, that may or may not be related to the Crests were a part of. For now, I'm just going to list them:

Black Ring
Red Gem
Blue Gem
Yellow Gem
Ancient Scythe
Blue Ring
Yellow Ring

Now, I'm not even sure whether they names I have just given them are their real names, or what they are used for. In fact, I have no idea where they came from... Does anyone have any clues?

News & Updates #19-20

We now call The Ré-var home and it has been all we've talked about since leaving Bhújèr Town. I give a double update in one:

The usual ones:
Them people with names...
The sayings/riddles...

The particulars:
Those weird new sigil forms...
Continental Relations...
How we turn ourselves on...
Our strengths and weaknesses...
Powerful weapons...
Our appearances...
Specifically, Lsòla and Úshk...
Them peoples who worship the Crests...
Those details about the places we visit...

Something new:
Weird, unexplained items...
That awesome ship of ours!

Enjoy plundering!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

All Aboard!

The ship is called The Ré-var, the owner is none other than our group of wayfarers and they have a loyal and willing crew, five of who are females, three unannounced! The Ré-var itself is a three-decked ship, being bow heavy as a result. It has four major masts and a sail at the front, making her a five-mast masterpiece. The ship is huge and deadly, fast in the water, and more often than not, flies a black flag with a white diagonal line, signifying them as pirates.

The crew members are listed below:

Name: Ariyà, F
Age: 22
Position: Master-at-Arms
Years-at-Sea: 18
Alignment: NE
Class: Exotic Weapon Master, Lvl 11
Bio: This young lady is from the north and won the right to wield the Scythe from the Lsòla Bunker and is revered amongst the crew. She is perhaps a bit feisty.

Name: Urà
Age: 44
Position: Boatswain
Years-at-Sea: 41
Alignment: NN
Class: Fighter, Lvl 9
Bio: -

Name: Déin
Age: 43
Position: Logger
Years-at-Sea: 35
Alignment: CE
Class: Invisible Blade, Lvl 12
Bio: -

Name: Ranjé
Age: 38
Position: Raider
Years-at-Sea: 38
Alignment: NE
Class: Ninja, Lvl 9
Bio: -

Name: Jin
Age: 23
Position: Cook
Years-at-Sea: 23
Alignment: LG
Class: Monk, Lvl 10
Bio: This man is from the north

Name: Tayn
Age: 26
Position: Navigator
Years-at-Sea: 26
Alignment: LN
Class: Sorceror, Lvl 10
Bio: This man leads the party that boards the opposing ship when in a sea battle. He is a person who keeps to himself, and tries not to tell too much to anyone.

Name: Yshn
Age: 34
Position: Carpenter
Years-at-Sea: 32
Alignment: CN
Class: Rogue, Lvl 8
Bio: -

Name: Klorn
Age: 32
Position: Rigging
Years-at-Sea: 29
Alignment: NG
Class: Cleric, Lvl 8 (Domain: Knowledge, Sun. Worships Boccob)
Bio: -

Name: Gurda
Age: 56
Position: Jack of All Trades
Years-at-Sea: 56
Alignment: CG
Class: Drunken Master, Lvl 12
Bio: -

Name: Edrín, F
Age: 16
Position: Birdsnest
Years-at-Sea: 15
Alignment: LE
Class: Ranger, Lvl 10, specialising in Swords, Two Weapon Fighting Skill Lvl 6
Bio: She loves raiding and plundering things, and is never afraid to beat a man at his own game.

Name: Eràya
Age: 18
Position: Archery
Years-at-Sea: 2
Alignment: LG
Class: -
Bio: -

Name: Xanté
Age: 13
Position: Ropes
Years-at-Sea: 4
Alignment: NG
Class: -
Bio: -

Name: Rishek
Age: 12
Position: Rigging
Years-at-Sea: 1
Alignment: NE
Class: -
Bio: -

Name: Lènn (F: Léna)
Age: 15
Position: Decks
Years-at-Sea: 2
Alignment: CG
Class: -
Bio: A non-proclaimed female on-board, she works specifically on Nara's Deck, the third one. Her sister stole-away and was allowed stay on.

Name: Crayn
Age: 16
Position: Decks
Years-at-Sea: 5
Alignment: CE
Class: -
Bio: -

Name: Séri
Age: 15
Position: Sails
Years-at-Sea: 6
Alignment: NG
Class: -
Bio: -

Name: Nuín
Age: 18
Position: Sails
Years-at-Sea: 6
Alignment: NG
Class: -
Bio: -

Name: Dalrós
Age: 17
Position: Archery
Years-at-Sea: 2
Alignment: LG
Class: -
Bio: -

Name: Gònishk
Age: 22
Position: Alchemist
Years-at-Sea: 7
Alignment: LE
Class: -
Bio: -

Name: Hépàr
Age: 19
Position: Archery
Years-at-Sea: 3
Alignment: CN
Class: -
Bio: This young troublemaker is the life of the party and always has something funny to say or do.

Name: Tàs (F: Tàrsh)
Age: 17
Position: Rigging
Years-at-Sea: 3
Alignment: CG
Class: -
Bio: This stow-away needed to get out of the house, and followed her younger sister onto the boat. She was allowed to stay however.

Name: Zàt (F: Zárà)
Age: 21
Position: Cook
Years-at-Sea: 15
Alignment: NN
Class: -
Bio: This stow-away has been at see for a very long time, and needed to get off the ship she was on, since the Captain was an absolute bastard. Her culinary skills won Raigi over.

There are five other members of the ship, but they are such low-lifes that no-one felt the need to know their names. The help out with the running of the decks.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

News & Updates #18

Bhújèr Town. A place where people meet and where groups split apart and travel their own separate routes. If you ever wanted to keep a group together, now would be the time to add in new plot...

Last session we traveled forwards and backwards in time, and we met a few new places. However, it seems that we stay in Bhújèr Town overnight.

Concerning updates...
The usual ones:
Them people with names...
The sayings/riddles...

The particulars:
Them famous ones...
Those Keys we keep finding...
Them peoples who worship the Crests...
Those details about the places we visit...

Am going to eventually add more to the pages that don't yet have much...

Enjoy squandering!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

News & Updates #17

We make our way from the desert city, to probably the most opposite place in comparison - Bhújèr Town. The place is rich and full in green grass and running water, and is the most care-free place! However, there are still things to find and people to talk to...

Concerning updates, I have changed the layout of the Crest pages slightly, but the only one that has had to minor upgrade is the Crest of Nàrrice (for obvious reasons).
The usual ones:
Them people with names...
The sayings/riddles etc...

The particulars:
The things that hurt us...
Those shiny gem-things things...
The new sigil form thingy...
Those abilities we use...
Of course, the corresponding Crest page...
Them peoples who worship the Crests...
Those details about the places we visit...

Am going to eventually add more to the pages that don't yet have much...

Enjoy barracking!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

Hey, You're Famous Aren't You?

It seems that there are people who are fairly well-known throughout the Continent of Héli. Who knows, they might have even had their names mentioned more than once overseas! Anyway, the point is that they are famous for a reason. And since I'm feeling generous, I'm going to have this page dedicated to those who are famous. Mostly people are famous for a trade that they perform - there are quite a few trades, some which don't differ much from one another, but shall be mentioned anyway. See if you can find all the famous people!

Alchemist: (unknown)
Armourer: Boròg, a proud dwarf who resides in Bhújèr Town.
Astrologer: (unknown)
Baker: (unknown)
Barman: D'lànhga, this human resides in Port Bélàhm. He can be found spinning bottles at a place known as the Lemon Grass Pub.
Barrister: (unknown)
Blacksmith: All we know so far is that she can be found in Brasukhá.
Brewer: (unknown)
Bowyer: Rihl, a sly man who calls Mégáhre Port home.
Carpenter: (unknown)
Chandler: (unknown)
Dock Master: (unknown)
Farmer: (unknown)
Fisherman: (unknown)
Fortune-Teller: Rútà, the Fortune-Teller of Bésàh Village on the Isle of Gèin.
Furrier: (unknown)
Glassblower: Gíndlàé, a fair gnome who has small place in the Forest City of Ràbahna.
Guildmaster: (unknown)
Herbalist: (unknown)
Icemaker: (unknown)
Innkeeper: (unknown)
Infusionist: Làki, the big-breasted giant of Lkíhlà City.
Leatherer: (unknown)
Librarian: (unknown)
Lodge Manager: (unknown)
Logger: (unknown)
Lounge Host: (unknown)
Master of the Guesthouse: (unknown)
Miner: (unknown)
Playmaster: (unknown)
Potter: (unknown)
Pubmaster: (unknown)
Salter: (unknown)
Scholar: (unknown)
Shipwright: (unknown)
Slaughterman: (unknown)
Stablemaster: (unknown)
Taverner: (unknown)
Trader: (unknown)
Weaver: Féinà, a tiny gnome who lives in The Forest City of Ràbahna.
Vendor: (unknown)

There are so many and we only know 5 of them at the moment. Will we ever meet them all?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

News & Updates #16

Once more, we've had a cracker session! And once again, Raigi has managed to give away a prized item to one of our 'enemies'. Woot! That encounter had means there has been plenty for me to update on the site. So, without further ado the additions can be found in:
  • the page about the Keys we've obtained,
  • the page detailing who we know in Héli,
  • the page that deals with the damage between elements,
  • the page listing the names of the many places within Héli,
  • the page showcasing the Crest of Véri, and
  • a new page that talks about the Màí-Ló form of the sigils
And that was all for this new session... Oh, and of course, I've changed the Riddles page again, but nothing new was added.... Oh well...

Enjoy barfing!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

News & Updates #15

Hello again! Update two for today!

I have good news, well for me anyway. I have finished with the clean up. Everything has had it's html code cleaned, and now the posts look better.

However, in the process I added a few extra things. When you get a chance, check out the new stuff in the page about the Sigils. Also, all of the Crest pages have been updated, there is new stuff there. And... I think that was it... Oh, I created two pages but left them as Drafts.... so they won't appear until stuff happens in game...

Enjoy finding!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

News & Updates #14

With a full group, we caught up to everything and learned more about how the desert city.

On the updates front, I should hopefully have cleaned up most of the Crest pages in the near future. However, I have added the important session info to the relevant pages:
The usual ones:
Those people with names that we meet...
Those weird sayings/riddles...

The specialties:
That damage that the elements take...
Those Gàló-Màdj things...
The corresponding Crest page...
Those details about the places we visit...

Am going to eventually add more to the pages that don't yet have much...

Enjoy rollicking!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

An Unfortunate Alliance

Well, would you believe it? Maybe I would but, what in the world just happened?!?!? Did that thing just have two colours? You've got to be kidding me!

Actually, I'm not. The Màí-Ló is a step in the right direction, and the colour of the Dàkúrùtài may or may not have been the biggest red-herring yet. Of course, the Fifth Flare does allow for some funky combination with your opposing Crest, but it doesn't have anything to do with the colours of the next form of the Sigil.

Yes, the Sigil does have a third and final form, the Dúà-Lím. This form has two colours. The main one is obviously the colour of the Crest you follow, and thus the centre Gàló, however, the second colour is interestingly enough that of Crest most aligned to the first in terms of ability.

Below I will list the details of each one:

Frònéi: (unknown)

Véri: (unknown)

Ynèré: (unknown)

Clèsi: (unknown)

Lòég: (unknown)

Nàrrice: (unknown)

Éru: (unknown)

Úshk: (unknown)

Dàé: (unknown)

Lsòla: (unknown)

Gé: (unknown)

Téiq: (unknown)

Anyway, so what does it mean? How did that second colour come to be part of our own Sigil? What in the world is going on!! Simply put, the Crests new that they were meant to be part of something greater, and it was the Flàré of Gé and Téiq that worked it out the fastest. If it was fate that the Great Divide was to occur, then it was fate that the Crests would be joined in some way. Thus, by following the colours of the Dúà-Lím forms of the Sigils, they sacrificed their lives and caused a whole new energy to take shape...

As We Grow, Things Change

As you know now, it is possible that once the Sigil and the Gàló-Màdj of the same Crest are joined, something awesome happens! It transforms. Commonly known as the transformed or morphed Sigil, it actually has it's own specific name: Màí-Ló. It means 'connected', and refers specifically to the form that the Sigil takes once it's joined to the Màdj. In other words, it is the second form, the Tài-Fári being the first. With only five of these forms known during the campaign (that of Véri, Clèsi, Nàrrice, Dàé, and Lsòla), below is a list the details of all the Màí-Ló:

This form of the Sigil has a circle in the centre and then 10 lines poking out of it, all equidistant from each other. The symbol of the Crest is embedded in the centre. It is entirely orange and the crackling flame from the Carnelian Màdj can still be heard.

This form of the Sigil looks like a water droplet and has the symbol of the Crest in the centre. It is entirely blue and the water from the Sapphire Màdj can still be heard.

This form of the Sigil looks more like a cog from a machine than anything else. It is completely yellow and has 5 notches in the circle such that it could be a cog. There is still a whole like in the Tài-Fári form, and the symbol of the Crest is embedded in the top like previous as well. The entire thing is a yellow colour and the buzz from the Màdj can still be heard.

This form of the Sigil looks like a perfectly formed snowflake, with the symbol for the Crest right at the centre of the star-like shape. It is completely aqua in colour and ice-cracking sound can still be heard.

This form is a beautifully brown coloured diamond. The symbol for the Crest is right in the centre and the gritty sand-like sound from the Màdj can still be faintly heard.

This form looks like an upside-down triangle (with the point at the bottom). It is entirely green and has the symbol for the Crest in the very centre. If one listens closely, a faint sound of the roaring wind from the Màdj can still be heard.

This form has the exact same shape as the Tài-Fári form. The only difference is the colour, that this form is the purest white-colour you can imagine. The symbol for the Crest stays where it was before and if you listen closely, there is a faint sound of a pure, bell-like sound that could be heard from within in the Màdj.

This form is a simple cross, straight up and straight across such that both length are equal. It has a jet-black colour, and if you look closely, the Crest symbol can be seen in the centre. If you look closely, you can see the faint pulsating black orb that was inside the Màdj.

This form of the Sigil is completely purple in colour. It looks like a spiral, spiraling out from the centre, no larger than the Sigil was in it's Tài-Fári form. The throb of the mind can still be heard in an ever-so-faint fashion.

This form of the Sigil is a cross, in fact it totally resembles the large of the two crosses in the Zodiac, with the symbol in the centre. It is entirely silver, of course, and has a sheen to it that never fades. When looking closely, one can see the spinning metal from the Màdj.

This form of the Sigil is an octagon with a shining, pure-golden colour. It is not as eye-catching as the rest, but it's light does emanate for all around when it isn't covered by a cloth. The symbol for the Crest is situated in the centre of the diamond, and if you listen hard enough, you can hear the glow of the golden sun inside it.

This Sigil is a deep red coloured square which is hung from the centre of one of the sides. The symbol for the Crest is right in the centre once again, and you can see the glow from the Màdj still present, with perhaps the tiniest hint of a gurgling sound if you listen closely.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

News & Updates #13

ZOMG I am awesome! I have just taught myself (with the help of a blogger function I didn't know about til know, and a couple of other pages on the net) how to use html code! I'm slowly going to clean each post up and make it as simple as possible, and easier for me in the long run...

Anyway... Let's talk about the updates. As of arriving in Lkíhlà City, and the journey to get there, we now know a lot more about what's going on, so to speak... Updates are as follows (if i can remember them all!):
The People of Héli
The Damage between Crests
The Activation of the Flàré
The Appearance of the Flàré
The Gàló-Màdj
The Clans of Héli
The Crest of Éru (Check out the new format)
The Crest of Úshk (Check out the new format)
And, the Riddles, of course!

I know that we've just arrived in a new City, and I haven't included an update on the Places of Héli, but that will come when we know more about Lkíhlà City...

Enjoy munching!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

Monday, September 8, 2008

News & Updates #12

To update is to remember... hunh?

Anyway... Let's talk about how much fun we had last session, only it would been made a whole heap better with Draven around.... oh well.... So, we tied a lot of plots up and opened maybe one or two, and found a few extra items as well - congrats people!! Especially on the Obsidian Màdj and the third piece of Àléna's Sigil (she'd been looking for that for like I don't know how long!!)

So, the site has been updated! There are no new sections, but there are a few additions in places. The first being that which details the people we meet. The second is that which speaks about the damage dealt to the different Crests. Finally, the section detailing the Keys we find has been updated with the new ones. Funnily enough there were no riddles uncovered last session, but I found the time to create the Zodiac Signs in all their glory, check them out in the Zodiac section!

Enjoy sleeping!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

News & Updates #11

And here I am again!

(Only about two weeks late, or thereabouts.) But... anyway..... Now, of course, I'm pretty sure it didn't matter because no-one will have seen this until either tonight, or sometime early tomorrow. I do hope you have have a read before we have the next session.

Anyway, I have finally updated the site - god! Why did I wait so long, my memory was a bit shaky... So, you'll find the Riddles have been updates as usual, the People have also had some changes. Also, I decided to add some information about the Politics and Continental Relations of Nàbra.

Enjoy lolling!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

Continental Relations: Nàbra

Nàbra has many relations with the other continents, the most interesting of which is that continent to the north. So far, the only information we have received has been about this continent, but I'm sure we will here more about the others sooner or later...

The Elusive Northern Continent
This continent seems to be springing up more frequently now. The extra information that comes from this unnamed place will be placed here:

Wars do not happen often, but they are usually against another continent to the north. We were living in a time of relative peace, so no-one has seen much of these people from the north. Stories say that these foreigners ride wolves. They dress similarly to us, but have a different skin colour and weird skin markings or tattoos of spiral-like patterns, sometimes jagged, which look more random than anything. They speak common, but with an accent, and their society is also suspected to be a monarchy. Their diplomatic envoys bring unusual spices, fruits and animals which do not exist in Nàbra. Other known trade items are weird animals known as pigs.

We came across a group of merfolk who were correctly identified as northerners by Loban, not much else is known about them, but they sure as hell can't speak common.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

News & Updates #10


So, what a session, huh? It's kinda fun playing the political mediator. Finding a way to explain away the deaths is going to be fun. And, of course, there's so much more in store for you guys within this Port alone... (and I say this not even thinking about the item quests...)

Anyway, there was a few new developments which I have detailed in the relevant pages. I've added information to the following sections: the People, the Places of Héli, the Weapons, the Crest pages for Clèsi and Úshk, and of course, the Riddles.

Enjoy jeering!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

Monday, August 4, 2008

News & Updates #9

Hello again!

Just a quick update guys - I've now added a page which details the named NPCs you guys come across.

Enjoy leering!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Do I Know You?

It is important that we remember those who have gone before us. And, perhaps it may be useful to remember who certain people were. So, in this section, I will provide some detail about the more important characters (i.e. the ones that I gave names to) that you guys meet in your journeys...

Aéri: This is the name of the most recent Flàré of Ynèré. Àléna told the group this name.

Àléna: A flighty, off-with-the-fairies elf who just so happens to be the Flàré of Éru. She is a Druid and has a cheetah animal companion named Elnrà. She spends most of her time looking at flowers and smelling the air. Recently, she obtained the Séiléhsti of her Clan and aged about 80-100 years, making her less childish. It was Loban who found her in the Pewter Plaza of The Forest City of Ràbahna, but it was Caliban and Raigi who helped her feel safe within the group. She decided to tag along with the group on their way to Mégáhre Port, but has now officially joined it.

Árànúré: This healer was the first person we met from the Clan of Éru. She helped us understand what it meant to be Flàré. She also allowed for our safe passage into the Forest City of Ràbahna.

Àré: This provocative and deceitful elf is not one to be meddled with. She is the Flàré of Véri and is very proficient with her abilities, and not just her Flares. Not much else is known about her, but from her visit in the Forest City of Ràbahna, we are all well aware that she is a formidable opponent.

Baín: A little gnome, he is the leader of the Clan of Frònéi. Raigi and Caliban met him o their way to the City of Àéthélle. Not much else is known other than that he is more of a decent person than most of the Clan leaders we have met, and has control of a Griffin Roost

Bàrák: This rather gentlemanly giant is the owner of the Inn of the Prussian Peacock. A middle class establishment in the second circle of Lkíhlà City. Spending only 5 GP a night, with all food and drink 'on the house', he makes it a nice place to stay.

Bò: This seedy looking bloke is the owner and barman of the Black Cat Inn of Mégáhre Port. Other than the good service he provides, not much else is known.

Boròg: This proud dwarf is the armourer for Bhújèr Town. He is very well-known for his works as none of them are ever pre-made. This gives him the title of most famous armourer in all the land - something he is most proud of.

Bòs: The rather small giant is the Marquis of Lkíhlà City. Most only know him as 'the Boss', little know that his actual name is pronounced exactly the same as 'Boss'. This man is ridiculously shy and extremely paranoid. This is the reason why he is never seen outside Fort Lkíhlà.

Cièl: This oddly shaped giant is the owner of the Alchemist in Lkíhlà City. We met while her head was in a bowl of tea, slumped to one side. She happens to deal in the black market and trie to keep this a secret.

D'lànhga: This man owns the Lemon Grass Pub in Port Bélàhm and is known as the most famous barman in the land.

D’Sí-gyk: This is the name of the Fortune-Teller in the Port Bélàhm. He is the most mysterious of all the Fortune-Tellers.

Dárg: This man is a giant of a Giant, being almost twice as tall as any normal sized Giant. He is the personal bodyguard for Bòs and watched the group destroy the creatures near the gate of Lkíhlà City and very kindly gave them extra money for a job done far too quickly.

Darogàn: Known only by name and not yet by face, he is the Marquis of Port Bélàhm.

Erétà: A recent acquaintance known only to Raigi. She is the leader of the Clan of Dàé and owner of the Àrèkàs Farms. She has a particular problem with the bureaucracy that is Mégáhre Port. She is only known the people of the Port as the local farmer, and nothing more...

Féinà: This little gnome is the most renowned weaver throughout all of Héli, living in the Forest City of Ràbahna. He takes so much pride in his work, but has a fast way of speaking due to his want to rush everything. He is still owed money by a deceased character...

Gíndlàé: This lovely little gnome is the proprietor of the Glassblowery in The Forest City of Ràbahna. She is known as the most famous glassblower in the whole of Héli. She was once married to Strúta, a Flàré of Úshk, who lived 350 years ago. She was hording the Obsidian Skull and Raigi was somehow able to pry it from her grasp.

Giréle: This half-giant, halfling is the weirdest, most stubborn, rude, obnoxious, most forgetful and not to mention blind leader of the Clan of Gé there has ever been. We met her when traveling to The Town of Dàlmahs. She stopped us in our tracks and threw spears at us.

Goròg: This goblin is only known by name - she is the leader of the goblins who make their home in the Bleaks, the slums of Mégáhre Port.

Hòrúip: This Dwarf spends most of his time at the bar of the Alley Cat Tavern of Mégáhre Port. A conversation took place bewteen him and Raigi, where he revealed that he worked for Íla. As a result, Raigi now believes that he is a contact for that sect of the Port. Other than that, he is a stumpy young fellow who doesn't like to be bossed around.

Íla: This fine young lady controls about a third of Mégáhre Port through her position of Port Mayor. She is a very powerful lady within the Port and has many tendrils in important places within the Port. Only known by name, she has yet to meet the travelers.

Ináía: This beautiful yet conniving gnome leads the Clan of Lsòla, she is very interested in the stories of other Clans, but happens to have a very healthy respect for all who are Flàré, including the Flàré of Dàé whom one would assume she would be bent on destroying. She leads a small community in an underground labyrinth north of Bhújèr Town. She is very accommodating and helpful to the Flàré, but hates the fact that the simple plebeians get in the rode of the workings of the Crests.

Ishísh: This snappy, fierce slightly-taller-than-normal Dwarf is the leader of the Clan of Ynèré. He is very territorial, but seems to succumb quickly when given information that leads to knowledge of the other Clans. As such, we were able escape easily without the wrath of Ynèré being brought upon us.

Kilèsh: The name is known throughout the land as the bringer of destruction. He is brother to Réinyn and Flàré of Téíq. Not much else is known.

Làki: The not-so-infamous, but nevertheless, well-respected owner of the Lkíhlà Teahouse. Only known for what can only be described as the Giant Tea, she is a motherly giant who knows how to take care of her guests. She cultivates the Rúsé Plant in her own backyard - one of the only places it grows in the whole of Héli. Rúsé Tea is her speciality of course, but it must only be drunk when there is an occasion to celebrate. There are four teas on her shelves that have more than 10 different spices and herbs in them and their names are Úhlyàr, Húsìa, Réahnt, Léi. The only other important tea she sells is the Ríhà Tea, a restorative tea which is known to have the ability to cure almost any ailment.

Làrémaí: This proud member of the Bélàhm Guard spends his every waling hour patrolling the streets, as is part of his job description. Port Bélàhm is known as the safest place to live thanks to his efforts.

Ràníl: The dark and forboding female member of the current Flàré. She belongs to the Clan of Úshk. She was first met by Draven and Caliban when trying to enter the Crown Theatre. It is suspected that she has a tie with Kilèsh, and her long black platt helps to hide it. However, she was given a surprise by the most unlikely of adversaries and it is now known that her allegiances are not clear. Her abilities make her a very strong-minded gnome.

Rayd: This girl, who we all recently met in The Dark, the arena area of The Port-Town of Nàhstre, is in fact the Flàré of Ynèré. In the brief meeting we had, it ws obvious that she never lets here feelings escape her body, in any form what-so-ever. Otherwise, she is basically unknown to us all.

Rayna: Known only by name and status due to the fact the he is the King of Héli. He resides primarily in The City of Àéthélle, even though the capital of the land is The Port Town of Nàhstre.

Réinyn: The most interesting little halfling who wears the same garments as her brother, Kilèsh. She is the Flàré of Gé and met the party by trying taking one of its members hostage. She was the one who told us first about what had happened, and what the Flàré were. She managed to obtain her Gold Màdj in The Town of Dàlmahs, attached it to her Sigil, allowing us to see a transformation, and then she vanished, never to be seen since.

Rihl: This man is known as the best Bowyer in the land. He resides in Mégáhre Port and has spent the majority of his life there. 150 years ago, Àláséa once came to see him, and asked for a case for Piràmé, the Séiléhsti of Dàé. He actually made a copy and was able to produce this for Raigi when he asked for it, much to the surprise of the young Flàré.

Rúkarth: This man is the owner/operator of the Crown Theatre of Mégáhre Port. He is also one of the key forces within the Port Council. He is a selfish, arrogant and quite powerful man. He has control of quite a few people within the council, but only about a third of the total members. His Theatre is his life, he lives and sleeps there, he has a personal guard who are members of the Clan of Dàé thanks to the meddling of Raigi.

Rúsànhti: This is the name of the Fortune-Teller in the Town of Dàlmahs. This is the Fortune-Teller who gave Raigi the Amethyst Dagger. The Fortune-Teller in Mégáhre Port was able to tell Raigi her name.

Rushalèna: This is the name of the Fortune-Teller in Mégáhre Port. The Fortune-Teller in Port Bélahm was able to tell Raigi her name.

Rútà: This is the name of the Fortune-Teller in Bésàh Village. She gave Raigi her own name and told him never to speak of their names again.

Ròbusk: There was a huge gate, and a huge knocker, this giant opened the door to Raigi and Caliban and let them into Lkíhlà City.

Tahn: Not much is known about this gentleman, other than his position - Dockmaster of Mégáhre Port.

Úlnà: The mysterious blacksmith of The Forest City of Ràbahna. He has absolutely no clue about what it means to be a smithy, and he can't even tell the difference between junk and Mythril. However, he was the entrusted keeper of the Topaz Spike, which was guarded by his pet spider, Shílà. A conversation was all that was needed for Raigi to obtain it.

Ulórg: Only Draven has ever met this man. But the meeting was at night. He is the leader of the Clan of Nàrrice.

More on the newer characters when more is known, and, of course, I will update this as necessary with the new named characters we meet.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

News & Updates #8


Well, this is fantastic!! I shall give more information now...

Since the Flares have names, I have updated their page. I've also updated the Clans page with new knowledge about the Clan of Dàé. I've added extra stuff to the Bílèfári page and I have also added a new page for the Keys you guys pick up along the way.

Each page dedicated each Crest has also been updated, and the Riddles page has become quite a bit longer! Finally, the Weapons page has also been added to. So! It's time to get busy!

Enjoy scouting!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

News & Updates #7

Hey Guys!

I've added a few more new sections. For those who remember, Àléna began to talk of the moons and the calendar (some of you know about the calendar from reading the books in the Silverwood Library), there is now two new sections detailing what was said.

Also, I have added an extra page for information as it comes about the Bílèfári as well as a page about the strengths and weaknesses of the Crests which I thought you guys might find useful.

Enjoy perusing!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

The Politics of Nàbra

Nàbra is ruled by an absolute monarchy, and each town or village has their own Lord/Conqui. The royal family is human and has been since time began. The crown is passed to the eldest son, or if there is no son, to the eldest daughter. If there is no heir, the crown passes to the oldest cousin or niece/nephew. Nàbra’s historians don’t go back far enough to know how the King’s ancestor first came to rule the continent.

A council consisting of a wide variety of people, including at least one male and one female peasant, advises the King. There are stories of backstabbing in the court, but the monarch is generally loved by the people. The king or queen rules actively, and when their armies ride to war they sometimes ride with them, but their position could be either at the front or the back of the army. Medicine is not great, and so traditionally members of the royal family only live to the age of 50 or so.

At the time we were transported back in time, the monarch was a King: His Highness, King Láni of the House of Ilias. He had ruled so far for 42 years, since he was four years old. He has not married and has no heir. Kind Láni was a bastard – he was raised in the stables, unbeknownst to the entire royal family, until the king and queen (who supposedly had no child) were assassinated. The knowledge of the bastard son only was known to the King and Queen (Láni’s parents), and to the stableboy who had a letter from the late queen.

One day, King Rúshk and Queen Olní were found dead in their bedroom. There was a dagger on the floor, which led to the king’s much younger half-brother (on his mother’s side). This half-brother had previously been known for his treason in making underhand dealings against King Rúshk with the people who live on the continent to the north, but King Rúshk was a family person and always loved his half-brother (despite them not growing up together), so he did not punish him for his crime. However, despite the dagger the king and queen had not even once been stabbed, and nobody knows the truth behind their deaths. There was a period of about six months where the king’s greedy half-brother tried to rule the country until the stableboy, with the letter from the late Quenn Olní, revealed Láni. The impostor was removed from the throne and the people reinstated the four-year-old bastard king.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Let's Get This Party Started!

So, we know that there is a trigger that activates the Flàré and allows them to use their Flares. Well, this page is dedicated to just that. Below, I will list the trigger that allows a Flàré to activate and deactivate their Flares:

The hands are pressed together so that all 5 fingertips are touching.

The Flàré moves to put their hands on the opposite arm's elbow, and then motions to pull out the bones that eventually triangulate around the internal arm-elbow-arm angle.

Possibly one of the simplest mechanisms for activating themselves, the user just has to touch their palms together, and it doesn't have to be very long at all.

Breath is blown over a preferred shoulder, creating a cold environment for the bone to extend into.

The Flàré draws power from the ground beneath them by planting their feet firmly in one place, and digging them in, ever so slightly.

The person thinks about pulling the shoulder blades in or out of the body.

The person closes their eyes for a moment, and makes peace with themself while concentrating that peace on their skin.

The Flàré takes both hands and places them across his/her bare chest and presses slightly.

The person concentrates on their forehead, making the teardrop appear.

The person grabs an arm in the place where the armbands form and thinks about pulling them in or out, using a magnetic field.

Possibly the curse of being this Flàré, there is no way of deactivating.

Again, possibly the curse of being this Flàré, there is no way of deactivating.

Um... Why Did That Backfire?

As is common with abilities, they come at a price. The price for the Flàré is known collectively as the Bílèfári. There are three different levels of the Bílèfári which are connected, or in some way, at lot worse than the previous level.

The first of the Bílèfári is called the Sékàrúfári. It is the drawback that happens when either the Sétài (First Flare), the Kàtài (Second Flare), or the Rútài (Third Flare) is overused. The point of this Bílèfári is to remove the Flàré's ability to use their Òtài (natural manipulation). Since the Flares are built upon the Òtài, pulling it out form underneath prevents the Flàré in question from using any of their Flares. Below you'll find the complete list of all the Bílèfári:

The user feels that their fingertips are beginning to burn with unbearable pain.

The user feels that they are beginning to suffocate.

The user starts to feel their palms crackle with an intense pain.

The body of the user, which is usually immune to the cold, begins to feel a bone-chilling coldness.

Almost for no reason, they user starts to feel excessively tired.

The user's hearing rapidly diminishes until they are completely (though not permanently) deaf.

Harder to detail as a concept, this Flàré have innate sense of what is happening 'upstairs' and as such their Sékàrúfári is a loss of this feeling.

Harder to detail as a concept, this Flàré have innate sense of what is happening 'down below' and as such their Sékàrúfári is a loss of this feeling.

The user starts to realise that they have a headache so strong that they are unable to even think straight.

The user starts to become aware that their body is in a whole heap of unbearable pain.

There is no apparent Sékàrúfári for this Flàré.

There is no apparent Sékàrúfári for this Flàré.

Ok, so that's the first bit - but guess what! There's more (come on, with me, that's always gonna happen!!). Draven was the first to activate this second form of the Bílèfári, now known as the Luèfári. It is the drawback that happens when the Luètài (Fourth Flare) is used. It may not happen every time it is used, but it can definitely happen when Flàré in question tries to max out the Luètài. This Bílèfári doesn't prevent the usage of the Òtài, but it has a personal bodily effect. Since the Flares use energy from the body of the Flàré, it is understandable how deadly this is. After knowing only three (for Nàrrice, Dàé and Lsòla), below is a complete list of the Luèfári:

Instead of just the fingers, this time the skin on both arms begins to peel and instantly vaporize from the heat created by the Flame Tunnel that was just used.

Now, instead of the suffocating feeling, it is replaced with a feeling that the user is drowning while standing in broad daylight, the water from the recently used Water Spiral being that which is drowning them.

The whole body begins to shake uncontrollably, the crackling feeling now extends to the entire body, as it feels the electricity in the Spark Shot just used is also zapping them.

That last Spike Throw creates such an intense cold field around the user that their body begins to freeze on the spot. Their feet freeze to the ground and the cold feeling has become a numb feeling.

The user's body becomes so slow that taking one step feels like it's going to take the better half of the next century to complete. The feeling is coupled with an odd sense of losing touch with the earth from that Boulder Smash they just used.

The user's skin peels off at a rapid rate and adds to the Wind Slice that was just used. This, undoubtedly, gives the user extreme pain.

Instead of losing a simple form of communication, the user suddenly feels like they have lost all their spirituality. This is a result of the sheer pure force they just loosed from themselves in that Heaven's Might.

After that last Hell's Fury, it feels like the spiritual connection they have with the underworld has been forcibly ripped from their body.

The whole body becomes completely numb and the person can't feel a thing. After using that Pentad Form, their power diminishes and diminishes. However, even with a numb body, the pain in their head is extremely difficult to bare.

The whole mind becomes completely numb and the person can't feel a thing. After using that Quintet Spin, their power diminishes and diminishes. However, even with a numb mind, the pain in their limbs is extremely difficult to bare.

Again, there is no apparent Luèfári for this Flàré.

Again, there is no apparent Luèfári for this Flàré.

Ok, you got me! There's one more. I'm always like that, but hey. The Dàkúrùfári is the final and most brutal drawback that you can receive for the overuse of your powers, and more specifically always occurs with the overuse of the Dàkúrùtài (Fifth Flare). It is instant and painful - a hell of a lot worse than the Luèfári. After knowing only two (for Dàé and Lsòla), below is a complete list of the Dàkúrùfári:

The user suddenly feels so parched that their insides are burning up as they ache for some sort of moisture. They begin to keel over, attempting to acquire water.

The user suddenly feels so cold, as in the feeling you get when you are covered with water, cannot remove it and are without any heat sources at all. They begin to fall asleep to stop the cold.

The body of the user is forced into uncontrollable writhing. Their muscles are s wound up, they can't move of their own accord, not to mention the brain-numbing electrical surges throughout the body.

The user is now so iced over, his nerves have completely detached themselves from the brain. They feel as if they are on their way to that bright light - being that detached from your body can do that to you.

The users body has turned to stone by this time. Well, not quite stone, but they won't be moving at all any time in the next millennium.

The user now feels that they are completely as light as a feather. This creates such a feint feeling in their head that they are effectively comatose.

The user has completely lost all form of their soul for a while and are effectively an 'empty shell'.

The user has completely lost all form of their soul for a while and are effectively an 'empty shell'.

This is complete and utter unconsciousness. The pain felt throughout the whole mind is so terrible that it can't cope, and shuts down. The person may not wake for a week or more, and is in a very fragile condition as a result.

This is complete and utter paralysis. The pain felt throughout the whole body is so terrible that it can't cope, and shuts down. The person may not be able to move for a week or more, and is in a very fragile condition as a result.

Indeed, this is where we first see any drawbacks at all. The use of the fifth Flare takes years of life off the users life-span.

Indeed, this is where we first see any drawbacks at all. The use of the fifth Flare takes years of life off the users life-span.

News & Updates #6

Hello Again!

Once more, I'm just writing to tell you about the new pages that I've added to the site. I think I've almost got all the pages/posts that I wanted to add (the blog archive will look heaps cleaner next month!!). Anyway, I reworked where some of the links appear on the right-hand side. This way, the pages are found in sections that make more sense.

Also, I added a new section and a whole heap of pages to fill it out. This is the Crests, in Detail section. This is so that if you want to look at an overview of a part of the information about the Crests, it can be found without having to look at every Crest page. In effect, this does mean that the same information will presented in two places, but it allows for ease of searching, etc.

The pages I've added so far talk about the Gàló-Màdj, the Appearances of the Flàré, the Séiléhsti, the method of Activation, and the Flares themselves.

Enjoy looking!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Be Strong, Know Your Weakness

So, you've heard that some people are taking more damage than they should? They're taking double damage?! Some people are only taking half damage! And on top of that, it seems some people are just taking heaps of damage that get's nullified. What the hell is going on?

So, you worked it out! As an absolute minimum, every Crest has a weakness and a strength. Below, you will find a list, which will be fleshed out as times passes, about which Crests are weak to others and which are stronger. I will use the terms resistance, weakness, ineffective, and nullification, to mean: takes x0.5 damage, takes 2x damage, takes 0 damage, and takes the damage but it's instantaneously reverted as if the person took no damage, respectively (i.e. there is a difference between nullification and ineffective)...

Resistance(s): Lòég, Lsòla
Weakness(es): Clèsi, Nàrrice, Gé
Ineffective: Téiq
Nullification: Véri

Resistance(s): Lsòla, Gé
Weakness(es): Ynèré, Téiq
Ineffective: Lòég
Nullification: Frònéi

Resistance(s): Véri, Nàrrice, Dàé
Weakness(es): Lòég, Lsòla
Ineffective: -
Nullification: Clèsi

Resistance(s): Lòég, Lsòla, Téiq
Weakness(es): Frònéi, Dàé
Ineffective: -
Nullification: Ynèré

Resistance(s): Frònéi, Úshk, Gé
Weakness(es): Véri, Clèsi, Éru
Ineffective: Ynèré
Nullification: Nàrrice

Resistance(s): Véri, Éru, Gé, Téiq
Weakness(es): Ynèré, Úshk
Ineffective: -
Nullification: Lòég

Resistance(s): Dàé, Gé
Weakness(es): Téiq
Ineffective: -
Nullification: Úshk

Resistance(s): Lsòla, Téiq
Weakness(es): Dàé, Gé
Ineffective: -
Nullification: Éru

Resistance(s): Éru, Gé
Weakness(es): Frònéi, Ynèré, Úshk
Ineffective: Téiq
Nullification: Lsòla

Resistance(s): Úshk, Gé, Téiq
Weakness(es): Frònéi, Éru
Ineffective: -
Nullification: Dàé

Resistance(s): Véri, Éru, Dàé
Weakness(es): Frònéi, Clèsi, Lsòla
Ineffective: -
Nullification: Téiq

Resistance(s): Úshk, Lsòla
Weakness(es): Frònéi, Véri, Clèsi, Éru
Ineffective: Nàrrice, Dàé
Nullification: Gé

Oh, and here's something to note - when the Crest/Flàré tries to attack something which is of the same colour (i.e. if they ever try to attack their own kind) the damage is absorbed. This is, in effect, a cure spell for those of the same colour. But it will not ever work as a way to cure oneself - this effect only works if the intended target for the attack is not the user of the attack.

Thanks, You're A Gem!

There are these things known as the Gàló-Màdj. They are round, faceted, and set into a piece of metal such that from a side view, the thing looks like a mini 'alien spaceship'! They have an inner glow (known as the Gàló) to them, but it is not just a glowing version of the colour - it just happened to be the case that the Gold Màdj that Réinyn obtained (the only one that we have seen), was in fact more of a glow than all of the others.

They are coveted by people from the other clans, and there have been many searches for them with the purpose of trying to obtain as many of these Gàló-Màdj as possible. In fact, it is said that they have a supreme power within them, and thus, by having many of them, one might be able to unlock the power hidden within them. Their real purpose is so far unknown.

With only four not seen found during the campaign (those of Ynèré, Lòég, Éru and Téiq), a complete list of the different Gàló associated with each of the Gàló-Màdj can be found below:

Frònéi: The Carnelian Màdj
There is fire inside this Màdj. It is permanently flickering as if there were a never ceasing wind inside the Màdj coming from all directions, but not all at the same time. You can hear the faintest of noises coming from it which reminds you a wood burning. The Gàló for this Màdj is perhaps the brightest of all the Gàló.

Véri: The Sapphire Màdj
Imagine a glass half-full with water, put you hand on it and shake it to bits. That's what the Gàló looks like within this Màdj. The only difference is that the movement is more like waves that splash up the side of the blue-faceted gem and crash back on itself. It is slightly hypnotic to watch.

Ynèré: The Amber Màdj
This Màdj has a bright yellow colour - a colour that can be seen from miles away, even in the darkest of nights. Inside it is many tendrils of light that are revolving around a centre core such that it looks like a ball of twine made of light. If you listen closely, you can hear a faint buzzing sound.

Clèsi: The Topaz Màdj
Inside this Màdj, there is an icicle that is constantly reforming itself so that if you left this Màdj on a table within 5 minutes, you would see about 6 different looking icicles. When put to the ear, you can hear a faint cracking which sounds like a block of ice being dunked in water for the first time.

Lòég: The Jasper Màdj
Warm to touch, this Gàló has the very interesting texture to look at. It is effectively sand rolling over and over itself. The gritting sound that you might make when your feet touch hot, dry sand mixed with the wet gritty sand sound is what can be heard from inside.

Nàrrice: The Emerald Màdj
This Màdj is a green faceted gem, and its Gàló is swirling green lines. If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of wind ripping round corners coming from within this Màdj.

Éru: The Diamond Màdj
One of the brightest colours of all the Gàló, this one has a pulsating nature to it and is as white as pure white, and blinding to most when they look at it. Should you be able to see it, it looks like a faceted icosahedron of purity, and makes the sound of a pure high-pitched bell-like tone if you listen closely to it.

Úshk: The Obsidian Màdj
This Màdj doesn't seem to have a Gàló. The reason being that it is almost impossible to see. The pitch blackness inside is actually pulsating slowly from the centre of the Màdj. It is better seen at night.

Dàé: The Amethyst Màdj
This faceted jewel-like part of the Sigil glows with the purple colour of Dàé. When held, it feels as though there is immense power locked inside. The Gàló itself is a purple colour that throbs and pulsates within the Màdj, constantly growing larger and smaller at a slow pace.

Lsòla: The Silver Màdj
The faceted style of this Màdj looks like it would have been colourless except for what it encases. The swirling mass of molten metal inside the Màdj is very silver in colour and seems to be constantly spinning, there are solar-flare style tails to the spinning motion occasionally.

Gé: The Gold Màdj
This Màdj has a bright shining light within it. It can be seen that the light has jagged edges to it such that in two dimensions, it looks like a star from a distance. The light is a very golden colour.

Téiq: The Ruby Màdj
The most mesmerizing of all the Gàló, this red colour is so dark, it's almost a crimson colour. The pulsating nature to this one is the most pronounced, especially when in places where there is little light, the Gàló is powerful enough to light the room, but dwindles away to nothing soon afterwards. If you listen closely, you can hear the faintest sound of a gurgling/bubbling noise.

Weapons Give Us Power

Some time after they were imprisoned, the Crests were able to create the Séiléhsti. These legendary weapons were overly powered and could only be wielded to full effect by the Flàré of the same Crest. The most interesting thing to note is that it seems that the weapon grows as the Flàré grows - obtaining a Màdj seems to benefit the weapons... Noting that we had only seen 6 of these powerful things in our journey (those for Véri, Nàrrice, Éru, Dàé, Lsòla, and Gé), all are now listed below:

Frònéi: Oròshíndà, the Nanchaku
Oròshíndà is the name for the pair of weapons. There are two of them that make up this powerful entity. They are no longer than any normal versions, but completely orange from hilt to hilt. Each hilt has a Carnelian stud on the bottom of them. The power of the flames flows throughout the weapon, making each hit a searing burn that gives the user a straight +6 bonus to his/her attack, deals 2d12 damage on a 17-20 critical range. Once the Gàló-Màdj is obtained, Oròshíndà creates a flame in the travel path of the weapon itself. It is rumoured to be able to release fireballs.

Véri: Rénúku, the Battleaxe
Rénúku is about one and a half times taller than an normal sized elf and is a dark-sh blue all over. There are a couple of jewels on the hilt, but apart form that it's very plain. The power of the water flows through the weapon which makes it a little more flexible than a normal battleaxe, giving the user a straight +8 bonus to his/her attack. It hits for 3d8 damage with a 17-20 critical range and always has a film of water on it's surface. Once the Gàló-Màdj is obtained, the water film begins to create water vapour in the air as it moves. It is rumoured that it creates cannons of water.

Ynèré: Gurádia, the Bolas
Gurádia is also known as the disk of light as that's what it looks like when thrown. But when it's not in flight, the weapon is four balls attached to a centre ring, that are all yellow in colour. It electrifies what it touches, except of course, it's own user, giving the user a straight +6 bonus to his/her attack, dealing 4d6 damage on a 17-20 critical range. Once the Gàló-Màdj is obtained, it sparks with electricity as it flies through the air. It is rumoured that it can paralyse on impact.

Clèsi: Lòhengì, the Rapier
Lòhengì has a blade far longer than any normal Rapier such that it almost looks like a short Halberd. It is almost completely aqua in colour due to the ever-so-slight coating of ice, with the hilt being of the same shade, but of wrapped silk. The silk wrapping doesn't all wrap around the hilt, leaving a small piece waving about when it is swung. A massively strong weapon, it gives the user a straight +8 bonus to his/her attack, deals 2d10 damage on a 17-20 critical range, and with the Gàló-Màdj, the small piece of hanging silk creates small shards of ice as it sways. It is rumoured to create ice-spire upon contact.

Lòég: Aldèkón, the Mace
Aldèkón is a long and earthy mace that has 6 notches in it's length, making it look like a branch that has been petrified. Atop this mace is round ball of petrified clay which gleams in the sunlight. Long and brown, it is said to be stronger than diamond itself, giving the user a straight +10 bonus to his/her attack. It swings for 3d10 damage on a 17-20 critical range and with the Gàló-Màdj, every swing creates a mini sandstorm. It is rumoured to create pits in the ground.

Nàrrice: Nésèlor, the Whip
Nésèlor is strong whip with a length of 15 ft and an emerald jeweled handhold. However, the power of the wind flows through the weapon and this makes it as light as a feather and as sharp as a knife, with every swing it creates a small shield of wind. The weapon has decent strength giving the user a straight +10 bonus to his/her attack, dealing 6d6 damage with a 17-20 critical range. Alongside the Gàló-Màdj, every swing becomes a huge burst of wind. It is rumoured that it can break the sound barrier with a sizable sonic-boom as well.

Éru: Díasmí, the Greatsword
Díasmí is almost as tall as an elf, and is made of pure light. However, the power of Éru flows through the weapon and this makes it completely useless if wielded by anyone but the Flàré of Éru. This also means it cannot cut it's Flàré either. The weapon has great strength, giving the user a straight +8 to his/her attack, dealing 4d10 damage with a 17-20 critical range. With the Gàló-Màdj, the weapon has a long-range ability similar to the 1st Flare of the Éru, but less powerful. It is rumored that it has ability to purify anything it touches.

Úshk: Xànchúra, the Spiked Chain
Xànchúra is literally nothing more than a ball and chain, where the ball has a plethora of spikes on it. Black from the chain to the ball, it has so much of the power of Úshk flowing through it, it also cannot be used by anyone else other than it's own Flàré and as a result doesn't cut them either. It gives the user a straight +8 to his/her attack, deals a whopping 5d4 damage on a 17-20 critical range. With the Gàló-Màdj, it can even create a portal in it's path. It is rumoured to corrupt anything it touches.

Dàé: Piràmé, the Longbow
Piràmé is larger than normal Longbows, and has an eerie purple colour to the wood. However, the power of the mind flows through the weapon and this makes it impossible for the weak-minded to resist. The weapon has great strength, giving the user a straight +6 to his/her attack, dealing 5d6 damage with a 17-20 critical range. With the Gàló-Màdj in possession, it is possible for it's non-arrowed hits to paralyse the opponent. It is rumoured that it totally destroy the opponent's mind.

Lsòla: T.É, the Four Daggers
T.É is a very interesting set of Daggers, each of which are slightly longer than any normal Dagger, and have a sheen that never attracts grime. The Daggers are made of the similar material to the metal that is created by the Flàré themselves, which makes them indestructible. They can also be manipulated to by the magnetic feild and thus be spun around the user's body. The weapon has great strength giving the user a straight +6 to his/her attack, dealing 4d8 in total, with a 17-20 critical range. Under the influence of the Gàló-Màdj, it can make the limb it hits turn to metal. It is rumoured that they can completely encase an opponent in metal.

Gé: Guròndái, the Two-Bladed Sword
Guròndái is almost twice the size of a normal halfling, and is made of pure gold. However, the power of the spirit flows through the weapon and this makes it harder than perhaps the metal of Lsòla. The weapon has great strength giving the user a straight +12 to his/her attack, dealing 6d8 damage with a 17-20 critical range. It has the power to heal and with it's Gàló-Màdj, it can revive.

Téiq: Yécúrás, the Crossbow
The only other bow-like weapon of the group, Yécúrás is possibly the most obvious with it's bright red exterior and red slashes of light for the bows. It is such a foreboding weapon that being anywhere in it's vicinity tends to make you feel like you are suffocating slowly. It gives great strength, a straight +10 to his/her attack, dealing a massive 5d10 on a 17-20 critical range. It has the power to rot anything it touches and with the Gàló-Màdj, it can even turn the opponent into a Zombie.

For all weapons bar the Séiléhsti of Gé and Téiq, under the effect of a double critical hit, the rumoured effects take place in addition to all the other ones. Also, instead of a simple doubling of damage, the damage is doubled once again (thus a 4x total damage), thus the destructive power is rather large...

So, How Do I Look?

When the Flàré activate, some things about them change. One of the most important parts about activating is the ability to use the Flares at will. (Remember though, that when a Flàré is deactivated, a very weak form of their 'natural' manipulation occurs constantly - they can't control it very well.) The other most important part is that the physical appearance of some of the body parts of the Flàré also change. Below is a list of the changes, according to the Crest they have been touched by:

The hair of the Flàré turns a bright orange, but only in streaks. Their fingertips glow orange as well.

The toe-nails of the target turn blue and their toes become slightly webbed.In addition, an extra fold of skin appears between the two arm bones, around the elbow. It looks triangular or fin-like in shape and is also blue in colour.

The palms of the target turn a yellow colour and become rather calloused and hard. In addition, their eyes turn a weirdly bright yellow colour, off-putting to most.

The bone of the shoulders of the Flàré extend through the skin and have an aqua colour. Their breath becomes cloudy and their ears are slightly more pointed.

The colour of their skin turns so dark, you can barely distinguish them from the ground or a trunk of a tall tree. Their eyes are the only obvious part of them that glow with an eerie presence. The skin colour is shades darker than anyone on Héli.

The bone of the shoulder blades of the Flàré extend through the back and have a green colour. The bottom and back part of their hair is coloured green.

The skin hair of the person turns entirely white. The hair and eyebrows also turn white, and the very centre of their pupils now has a white glow. They hover above ground ever so slightly - they leave no footprint.

Although we have seen the Flàré in a definitively active state, no apparent difference was noticed. The reason for this is of course that the appearance of this Flàré is the simplest one to hide. Their chest is imbued with a jet-black symbol of Úshk and a jagged scar appears over their heart.

The forehead of the Flàré turns purple in the shape of a teardrop. The hair above their ears turns purple.

A band at the top of the arms and legs of the Flàré turns silver. Their arms ad legs become stronger.

So, we had most definitely seen her activated, but she hid her features well as well. Her fingernails were a complete golden hue. And the centre area of her hair, otherwise thought of as the mo-hawk-style is coloured a deep golden colour as well.

Possibly the least obvious, unless you could see through his dark cloak. His eye colour was a dark crimson. He also had pronounced clawing of the hands and feet, but he kept them hidden as well.

A Talent, A Flair... A Flare?

So, what are these Flares? Let's flesh out this idea.

The Flares are the abilities that can be used by the Flàré. There are four known Flares: Òtài (the 'natural' manipulation), Sétài (the First Flare), Kàtài (the Second Flare), and Rútài (the Third Flare), Luètài (the Fourth Flare), and Dàkúrùtài .(the Fifth Flare).

The Òtài is, in fact, one of the Flares of the Flàré. It has it's own name and is the basis for which all of the other abilities are built upon. It is not seen as a Flare, however, for two reasons. Firstly, when the Flàré is not activated this Flare still exists in a weakened state, as a sort of subconscious leakage of the ability. Secondly, it is very difficult to control this Flare as it is the basis or foundation of the other abilities, and is necessarily extremely difficult to manipulate.

The Sétài, Kàtài, and Rútài are all linked to each other, in a sense. They are obviously built on one another, but they are linked in the sense that one of them is an offensive ability, one is a defensive ability, and one is somewhere in between (neither offensive or defensive). The order in which these are given to the Flàré is completely random in the sense that there is no pattern as to which Crests' first Flares are offensive etc. I will stress, however, that the Flares are strictly linked in a linear progression - it is impossible to use the Rútài without having mastered (or at least understood the concept behind) the Kàtài.

The result of this linear extension of the Flares is that each successive Flare requires more energy to use. Extending further and further from the innate Òtài takes more and more control, effort, and energy. Therefore, although the Òtài can be used infinitely, the Rútài can only be used a limited number of times per day before the Sékàrúfári comes into effect.

For a while in the campaign, we only knew about the first three Flares, but Draven was the first to access the destructive force that comes with the fourth Flare. In the linear sense, you need to have acquired all three previous flares (the Sétài, Kàtài and Rútài) in order to use this one, otherwise known as the Luètài. However, in order to be able to use the Luètài, you must first obtain the relevant Séiléhsti, that it comes with a major cost and can probably only be used about twice a day. It is considered to be the true form of the defensive maneuver of the first three flares.

And finally, the fifth flare! When we gain access to our Gàló-Màdj, and we have obtained our Séiléhsti, then we can use the never-been-seen-before Dàkúrùtài. This flare can probably only be used once a day without the Dàkúrùfári being triggered. It is the most powerful and destructive force that a Flàré has ever been able to use. The specific ability that it contains is very similar to the unique ability of the Crest itself.

The Chamber or a Labyrinth?

So, let's see... We find the Keys, we break the Làrasè, were able to enter the Chambers and we expect to find the Crests. Wrong!! We find a series of challenges to prove our worth, especially for the one who is the Flàré for the Crest whose Chamber we are about to ransack.

Below, you can find the information about the different Labyrinths that we came across when trying to free the Crests from the Chamber in which they were sealed.

Let Me In!

So, we come across the different Keys that allow us to unlock the Làrasè to the Chamber Entrances, but what were they again? Here, I will post the tricks of how each of the Làrasè had to be treated. This might prove useful knowledge in the future...

Moon Lights

Since the appearance of the Crests, Lànúba (the closest and largest moon with a 21 day cycle) began to change colour. At the turn of the month, when it was a full moon, Lànúba changed its colour to suit to the colour of the Crest named in the new month. And so it came to be that the moon would be coloured.

Lànúke was not originally around at the beginning of time. It was said to have been created by Élèm. With a cycle three times as long as the one of Lànúba, and its full moon coinciding with the first full moon of every season, a new system became known. As Lànúke changed colour, so did the season. Not only that, but at any given time, it was one of the three colours that Lànúba was during that season. Thus, the Days of Reckoning were born - when the two moons were the same colour, and at least one of them was a full moon, the corresponding Crest had a "field day" with the planet.

Time is of the Essence...

In Nàbra, the reckoning of time has always been something of conjecture. But it was finally agreed upon that there would only be 252 days in the year, and that there are 12 months that correspond to the cycle of Lànúba, one of the moons. Each month has 21 days in it, and are named after the Crests with an additional suffix, -ba, which means short. The year begins with Frònéi-ba, followed by Ynèré-ba, then Dàé-ba, Éru-ba, Gé-ba, Nàrrice-ba, Véri-ba, Clèsi-ba, Lsóla-ba, Úshk-ba, Téiq-ba, and finally Lòeg-ba.

The seasons are described by the orbit of Lànúke, the much smaller moon. The seasons are slightly out of sync with the months, considering the first season lasts for three months but starts with Lòég-ba and finishes with Ynèré-ba. They are named in the same way as the months, just with a new prefix, ke-, which means long.
The seasons follow a three year cycle: ke-Lòeg, ke-Dàé, ke-Nàrrice, ke-Lsóla, ke-Frònéi, ke-Éru, ke-Véri, ke-Úshk, ke-Ynèré, ke-Gé, ke-Clèsi, and ke-Téiq.

The days of the week have special meaning - each day is named for a special reason. The suffix, -do, that is used simply means day. The days are as follows: Àron-do, Stiér-do, Nèswá-do, Húris-do, Ríèfa-do, Térú-do, and Mósi-do. The origins of each of these names are found below.

Monday, July 14, 2008

News & Updates #5

Hello Again!

Just me. I've added more information to the Places of Héli, as well as added a new page about the Zodiac that Àléna told you guys about in the last session. Also, I've added a tiny little extra bit about which Zodiac corresponds to which Crest in the Crest pages...

Enjoy sleuthing...

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

Let There Be Stars

It is well-known that a world like this would have to have a beautiful night sky. In fact, it is so clear most nights, that even the faintest of stars can be seen. Some of these stars have become part of the legends associated with Crests. But, they are mainly conjecture...

The Crests have a Zodiac associated with them. Below, I hope to be able to upload pictures of what they look like. But, for your information now, I shall speak of when they appear. It is fairly simple - the Zodiacs appear in the night sky in the same order as the colours of Lànúba. Lànúba is the larger of the two moons which changes colour every full moon. In other words, when Lànúba is green, the dominant Zodiac in the night sky is the bird.

As there are twelve full moons of Lànúba over the year, there are twelve dominant Zodiacs. Frònéi is connected with the Lion; Véri is connected with the Turtle; Ynèré is connected with the Rabbit; Clèsi is connected with the Wolf; Lòég is connected with the Horse; Nàrrice is connected with the Hawk; Éru is connected with the Dog; Úshk is connected with the Cat; Dàé is connected with the Monkey; Lsòla is connected with the Snake; Gé is connected with the Butterfly; and Téiq is connected with the Rat.

It has been said that the Crest chose their symbols. In actual fact, the symbols appear in their respective Zodiac. Below you can see the Zodiacs of the respective Crests:

Frònéi: Lion

Véri: Turtle

Ynèré: Rabbit

Clèsi: Wolf

Lòég: Horse

Nàrrice: Hawk

Éru: Dog

Úshk: Cat

Dàé: Monkey

Lsòla: Snake

Gé: Butterfly

Téiq: Rat

Since it is the case that the symbols appear in the Zodiacs, and we're sure that the Crests came after the stars, then it must be that someone must have chosen the symbols for the Crests, in fact they must have also chosen the Zodiac as well. Who were these people?

Well, now that the correct, non-myth version of the History of Nàbra has been explained, it becomes clearer that the original people who were anointed as the Crests would've chosen their symbol from the Zodiac that they originally either worshipped or just liked the most. It was Élèm who made sure that each Crest chose a different Zodiac, and it was in fact the choice of the Crest that began the cycle of the colours of Lànúba as well as Lànúke. This cycle, as well as the seasons of Nàbra is what determined whether the Crests were angled more towards the good-side of the spectrum or not.

Friday, July 11, 2008

News & Updates #4

Hey guys!

Once, again there are more updates - I'm trying my best to get a lot of the information/pages that I want onto the site as fast as possible. This means that the
Archive won't be so long in a month's time and that I will have established the pages that I want to add more to. This way, I hope, you can become familiar with the site and be able to find the information as you need it.

The new pages that I've added are about the Sigils, the Keystone and the Clans. Enjoy researching...

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...