Herein lies Córilìce

The stories, the people, the history, the wonder

Thursday, December 4, 2008

News & Updates #21

After another four days of travel on the sea, we land on the shore a very small island, the Isle of Géin. This island has one little village on it, called Bésàh Village. They party stays the night and we learn some really interesting things... Updates are as follows

The usual ones:
Them people with names...
The sayings/riddles...

The particulars:
Those weird new sigil forms...
Our strengths and weaknesses...
Specifically, Lsòla and Dàé...
Those Key things...
Those details about the places we visit...
Them drawbacks of our abilities...
Them Flares we use...

Enjoy wondering!

There's hidden meaning in everything...
Never stop trying to understand...

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